POST #27

                                         PLEASE SHARE YOUR HOMETOWN PICTURES  

                           HOMETOWN CUSHING OKLAHOMA    Blogpost

       Devoted to sharing pictures of our hometown in days gone past

                    All the pictures on today's blog were shared by Colten Blake Cravens

When Dr. Clifford m. Bassett, Cushing physician and surgeon, decided to build a new clinic, he turned to his architects and said: "We are not a big city, but I would like to be able to offer as modern equipment as can be found in a large city in a clinic that anticipates at least normal community growth."

"Members of the Christian Co. are demolishing the old Cushing High School to finance their world expeditions

"One hundred and ninety miles of pipe line, taken up from Cushing to Emmett, Mo., have passed through this spacious reconditioning yard on the outskirts of Cushing in the past two months." 1949

"The new Church of Christ building at Cushing will be completed by Christmas at a cost of more than $50,000."

Here is a ground view of Cushing's modernistic $140,000 swimming pool.

"Kerr McGee Nuclear Fuels first operated in Cushing at one of Kerr-McGee's oil refineries before being moved to The Cimarron Site at Crescent (of Silkwood fame) and Sequoyah Fuels at Gore."

"Cushing staged its biggest breakfast of the year Friday for an army of hungry youngsters January 1966.

Bill Stark passes a can of "secret" ingredients to Jim Schulze as chemical operations start turning out a cleaning liquid in St. Alban church's plant.

"Formely Cushing Municipal hospital now Payne County Masonic Hospital"

The old Cushing hotel is getting a new lease on life as apartments for senior citizens."

Hudson Refining Co. at Cushing"

The Bassett clinic . . . the entrance and reception rooms are glassed in on two sides Wings extend from four sides of the center of the building.

Oxygen is piped into three rooms at the Bassett clinic.

"First Methodist 1892"

The "sewage plant"

"Work on Cushing's new $40,000 fire station will be completed soon and the five fire trucks will move to new quarters."


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