Devoted to sharing pictures of our hometown in days gone past

                                                                    October 11, 2021

                                              Each week a minimum of 25 pictures will be posted
                                              PLEASE SHARE YOUR HOMETOWN PICTURES
                      (just send me a copy to  miketuttle47@gmail.com and I will post them on this site)

American Theater 1936

Paramount Theater 1936

Dunkin Theater 1941

Anthis Service Station      NW corner of West Moses and King's Highway

Ambassador Hotel      West side of the !00 block of North Cleveland

CHS Auditorium,  413 North Steel Street           "SENIORS FIRST"

100 East Broadway
Burkey Creamery

Coca Cola Bottling Company   309 East Main

100 South Harrison         shared by "anonymous"

SE corner Broadway and Cleveland  (later occupied by McCoy's Jewelers)  shared by "anonymous"

1001 West Moses     shared by "anonymous"

NE corner of Moses and Harrison     shared by "anonymous"

100 North Cleveland    shared by "anonymous"

Erwins Printers and Stationers   100 North Cleveland, East side of street

Enough Said!!

Cranke's Motel   1027 E. Main

Location unknown

Harding School   410 East Oak

Winkleman's Texaco     NW corner of Cleveland and Oak
Post Office 200 Block of North Cleveland (before moving to Cherry and Cleveland)

1100 North Little

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